mental health

Helping Troubled Youths Find Meaning and Purpose in Life

A home-like treatment facility for Washington DC teens known as Avery’s House helps teenagers in trouble by offering a place where they can find a sense of purpose in life. It provides a safe and trustworthy retreat from the stresses of regular routines and pressures of social circles.

Although most parents strive to raise their children in a nurturing atmosphere, certain conditions or experiences during their adolescence could expose them to negative influences. Generally, what most parents do is encourage their children to become involved in religious activities. That way, their teen can connect with populations of youth with whom they can share similar outlooks in life.

Studies about the effects of religion on young people suggest that religiosity can reduce susceptibility to negative influences that lead to alcoholism, drug abuse or even suicidal tendencies. However, some research shows that during adolescence, certain physical changes and additional responsibilities take place that not even religiosity can solve.

The complexity of the experiences that teens go through can make them seek profound relationships outside of religious environments. After all, not all parents of troubled teens are religious. This somehow renders them not capable of convincing their children to take a resilient stance against frustrations and other adverse situations affecting their existence.

The Significance of Having a Teen Retreat for Mental Health Treatment in Washington D.C.

Such cases are common in Washington, which made the establishment of teen retreat treatment facilities like Avery’s House a significant solution in addressing teen mental health issues.


helping families deal with teen mental health problems As a mental health treatment center for teens, there’s a range of therapies that can enhance a young person’s self-worth. All of which offer positive growth that can also lead to the recovery and rebuilding of damaged relationships among family members and friends.

Benefits of Letting One’s Teenage Child Break Free from Routines and Pressures of Unhealthy Influences

Let your troubled teenage child stay in a mental health facility that offers a safe and home-like environment where they can participate in different mental therapy programs. Allowing them to break free from routines to undergo different experiences can lift the veils of confusion that have been troubling their young minds. Being in a safe and trustworthy environment will enable them to focus on their growth as a person, regardless of whether they belong to a group or not.

believing in individuality regarfless of characteristicsDeveloping a Sense of Individuality – This is an important growth aspect since an adolescent needs to believe that they are acceptable as a distinct person regardless of whether or not he or she belongs to a community or a group of peers. This is important in enhancing a teen’s ability to decide what is good and well for him or herself.

Encourage Mindfulness and Appreciation of Life – Staying in an environment that promotes meaningful philosophies in life will help a troubled teen develop mindfulness and appreciation of his or her existence. He or she will be encouraged to express such thoughts through poetry, art, skills development or devotion to his or her religious practice.

Openness to Teachings and Guidance – A teen mental health facility recognizes the importance of enabling a teen to develop an open mind about guidance on how and what to do towards attaining self-improvement. A mental health retreat can help an adolescent identify life lessons, particularly those that arise from challenging situations. In doing so, they will be motivated to act with gratitude, compassion, forgiveness and fortitude, whichever actions are called for as appropriate reactions.


Link Building Experts: Helping Business Websites Attain High Visibility

Link Building Experts: Helping Business Websites Achieve High Visibility
The Top 10 Backlink Agencies in 2023 represent the distinguished group of backlink builders who succeeded in giving their clients high visibility and increased traffic at their website.

Link building in ecommerce has some similarities with how political popularity works. The link building goal of a politician is to forge relationships with people and groups of individuals who believe in the ideals and advocacy being put forward. That way, a politician has greater chances of advancing his or her political career.

SEO link building strategies work toward achieving the same results, which is why some politicians have tapped the services of digital marketing and SEO link building experts.

How Does Link Building Impact Search Engine Operations

Search engine bots are programmed to focus their search efforts on websites that can establish itself as authority based on the number of backlink recommendations garnered.
The bots therefore follow backlink trails leading to a website, when indexing the latter as a potential source of relevant and useful information asked for by the search engine tool.

Presenting the Top 5 Backlink Agencies in 2023

  1. Outreach Monks– is a digital marketing agency that specializes solely on link building instead of spreading time and skills on rendering full-service SEO.
    The experts at Outreach Monks specialize in all niches and is very well rounded when it comes to ecommerce and SaaS businesses. Outreach Monks recently added the cannabis industry in the agency’s portfolio of clients.
    Submitcore – is an all-around SEO agency that focuses on high quality link building by specializing in guest blogs as a key strategy in boosting backlinks. This agency ensures that guest posts adhere to ethical standards and strategies recognized by search engine bots.

HARO This link building platform connects content creators, journalists and bloggers and at the same time, connects them to expert resources. The results of which are content guaranteed as accurate and high quality.

Siege Media – This agency specializes in content marketing and develops marketing plans tailor fit to the needs of the business to sustainably boost online presence and increase organic traffic.

uSERP – This is a link building agency that focuses on content marketing as strategy in enhancing visibility to search engine bots. They help businesses improve online presence and achieve sustainable growth. Services include content marketing, SEO, brand promotions, digital public relations and link building.

It is worth mentioning that the digital marketing agency Whitespark focuses on local SEO and local link building services. The agency is quite successful in helping local businesses increase their visibility, which draws local customers to both the land-based and virtual stores of clients.


Concerns Over the Poor Soil Quality in Australia

Soil quality is important because as a natural asset, it greatly contributes to the ecosystem supporting a nation’s economic, social and environmental wellbeing. Unfortunately for Australia, the countys’ soils have been rated as one of the world’s most unproductive and nutrient poor countries. Aside from being low in nutrients Australian soils are mostly shallow and have high salt content. This means only a small portion of Australian soils are suitable for agricultural purposes. As a result, there is only enough food produced for domestic consumption, leaving very little available for exportation.

According to the 2018 World Wildlife Fund Living Planet report, Australia’s infertile soil provides very little water and usable land to sustainably support the lifestyle of the nation’s population.

A Closer Look at Australia’s Degraded Soil

First off, readers need to understand that reference to soil denotes the land surface that was formed through periods of time. It contains layers of mineral and organic particles produced by weathered rocks, and contributed by living organisms and transported sediments. Moreover, soils also play hosts to various disease-causing fungi, bacteria and viruses that cause degradation and land contamination. Additionally, land surfaces may also contain toxic compounds from applications of pesticides and agricultural herbicides.

Soil degradation also denotes the loss of soil fertility due to decline in organic matters that make the soil fertile and structurally stable. Erosion, excessive flooding, increase in acidity, alkalinity and/or salinity, as well as presence of pollutants and toxic compounds are the most common causes of soil degradation.

In Australia, the known causes of soil degradation include land clearing, water extraction, cattle and sheep grazing. Actually, the country has been cited and criticised for its poor soil conservation practices, and little regard for environmental protection.

Australia’s degraded soils and the continuing decline of their health have greatly affected the agricultural industry and other industries relying on the wellbeing of the natural environment. As the population increases, the more severe the adverse effects caused by degraded soils.

Soil experts explain that the conditions of degraded soils are not easily reversible. Since soil rehabilitation will take decades to achieve, the ecosystem will suffer from the impaired biodiversity of environments.

Nevertheless, the Australian government was able to address the country’s agricultural problems by introducing and implementing long-term reforms. So far, the actions taken led to the country’s transformation into a major agricultural power.

Examples of Measures That Helped Reverse The Adverse Effects of Soil Degradation

Crop rotation is one of the most common measures that farmers practise to improve soil health and to avoid degradation. Doing so allows the soil to replenish the nutrients used up by the crop previously grown in the same area.

Yet a more radical recommendation is for the population to reduce food consumption. That way, the few arable portions of land used for food production can take a rest from tilling, cattle and sheep grazing, use of agrochemicals and water extractions.

In the construction industry, which also has links to land use, degraded soils are improved and strengthened in order to be usable as stable structural foundations. Construction companies apply ingredients by way of chemical injection to the ground. The injected chemical mix will solidify sand particles to form a permanent block that has the capacity to carry the weight transferred to the ground by the structure or building.


Church Computer : To Buy or Build One

Using a computer to project church presentations has been proven effective in keeping churchgoers more attentive to what’s going on during church services. The church’s use of new technologies has helped many grow their congregation especially after the health crisis wrought by the pandemic.

Keeping pace with the relevant technologies enabled many community churches to reach more people. Most of whom want to hear the Lord’s comforting words with clarity of meaning. The larger the congregation the more advantageous to use computerized digital projections. Seeing the words of hymnals, watching videos of real-life situations, show why we need to strengthen our faith in our respective religion.

Using a Church Management Software

First off, computerizing your church’s administrative and financial records can go a long way in helping the church establish its presence in the community. A church management software not only keeps member information such as addresses and contact numbers, orderly. It can also help in maintaining transparency of the church’s financial conditions and activities.

Maintaining a Church Website

Having and maintaining a church website can work to the advantage of every church member. Especially for those looking to be reminded that they belong to a place that offers genuine comfort. On that note, many pastors believe that streaming sermons and church activities on the church website, is a good way to keep feelings of fervor for the church, constantly burning in the hearts of members.

Should a Church Shop for a Computer or Have a PC Built?

What to consider when shopping for a church computer? Everyone knows that a church cannot be too frivolous, yet that is exactly how some church leaders view plans of buying a computer. Still, if a church leader or member knows how to build a computer from scratch, it would be a lot cheaper. Besides, it’s possible to build a scalable PC, which means it can be upgraded and improved over time and once a budget has been set and met.

When looking to build a PC for the church, consider the environment in which the computer will have an impact or play a significant role. One thing is for sure though, a technology-aided church immediately gives the impression that it is using its resources in improving the worship experience of existing and potential churchgoers. As has been the results of the crisis caused by the pandemic and other extraordinary events that transpired, not a few people are looking for solace by reconnecting with their religion.

The good news is that the Internet is not short of helpful websites that furnish guidelines for PC building, including explanations about the basic bundle of the main components needed in building a PC. According to PC websites such components include the Motherboard, the Processor or CPU, the storage (hard drive or solid state device) Memory (RAM), Fans and case. A visit to this website will give you an idea of where to start when building a PC.


Keeping Faith that God Helps Us Find Solutions to Our Medical Problems

While it is typical for religious folks to rely on God’s Providence to keep them safe from threats of diseases, science must still seek medical solutions. Mainly because the scientific methods of treating health disorders and injuries is one way by which God can provide answers to those who pray for His help.

That is why the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) has expressed great appreciation for the support given by Congress in granting funds that will see to increased researches on neuropathy.

Under the 2021 Omnibus Appropriations Act, peripheral neuropathy has received recognition as a condition eligible to receive research funding. This denotes that the 2021 budget jointly approved by Congress has allocated federal funds for conducting studies concerning a condition that has been increasingly affecting more than 30 million Americans in recent years.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy

To explain peripheral neuropathy, we must first define neuropathy. Neuropathy per se, is the damaged or dysfunctional condition of one or more nerves that is manifested through feelings of pain that sometimes combine with numbness, tingling sensations and muscle weakness.

When described as peripheral, this denotes that the neuropathy that is occurring in affected areas, is connected to a health disorder. Such disorders may include but are not limited to diabetes, HIV, or hepatitis C, and in some cases, as results of cancer treatment like chemotherapy.

Neuropathy even if not peripheral, is known to have disabling effects that can cause sufferers to lose balance due to numbness in hands and feet. Muscle weakness is a condition that sometimes accompany feelings of pain. Time and again, medical researchers have explained that pain is a symptom and not the disorder itself. Through complaints of pain, an attending physician will examine the overall health condition of a patient to determine if pain is a symptom of another health impairment.

However, not all neuropathic pain is caused by a health disorder as some may stem from an injury, or one that is slowly developing overtime in response to certain changes occurring in the body. What is important is to have a medical professional to diagnose one’s overall condition in order to arrive at the right medical treatment, or even non-medical treatment in addressing neuropathy.

As a note, readers might be interested to learn more about non-peripheral neuropathy via this web page:

God Shows Compassion but Believers Must Still Take Action

Even as we fervently pray for God’s compassion in helping us find solutions in alleviating our physical pain, we as believers should take proactive actions. Our body is God’s gift to us and keeping it well enough to avoid, if not to worsen a neuropathic condition, peripheral or otherwise, is our way of showing appreciation for God’s gift.

Living a healthy lifestyle is the main course of action that God wants us to take, which simply entails eating the right kinds of food, having proper rest and engaging in exercises or activities that help promote proper blood circulation.

While it may be difficult for some people to maintain a healthy lifestyle due to dire economic conditions, God in his Divine Mercy will answer prayers through other people who can help provide them their needs.


The Importance of Expertise and Experience in Addressing Church Roofing Problems

Connecticut churches have unique roof structures when compared to others, as tie beams are halved and arranged in a way that form a scissor-like shape. This unique type of roof construction is largely associated with Connecticut-born architect named Ithiel Town, who introduced the design as a structural advantage when constructing buildings that made use of light walls of brick or timber.

That is why building surveyors and professional roofers in Connecticut say that regular solutions for a residential roof are not applicable when addressing church roofs problems. More so in regions where churches have to endure harsh winds more than houses do.

Commercial Roofing CT contractors that churches look for are those who do not merely look for stains at the undersurface of the roof, and then point where the damage/s are; only to later recommend the replacement of the entire roof as a way of making sure, even if unnecessary.

Importance of Hiring Experienced and Expert Roofers

Churches are built with great altitudes and because of that, any problems in the roofs are hard to address early.

Weathered by different phenomenons, church roofs suffer the most, while problems become bigger when non-professional roofers failed to identify the root cause of the problem. Aside from being a huge waste of money, especially with health and safety requirements for scaffolding and protective equipment, there is still the possibility that the problem will be recurring.

The advantage of hiring a highly experienced and expert roofing firm is the guarantee that they are knowledgeable in examining church roofs and in identifying problems. That way they can determine the kind of roofing repair that works.

Roof problems are often concealed by the construction and fabric underneath. Although the early signs of roof problems are stains that are visible at roof level, experts have proved that it is also important to conduct a deeper inspection of a church’s roof. Not a few building surveyors have come across churches designed by architects who merely recreated a newer version of the old design. As a result, whatever problems related to the old design were retained and as time passed, had eventually surfaced.


Health Experts Say the Pandemic Is Making People Reconnect with Religion

Religious institutions are currently faced with challenges brought about by the pandemic, which limit the number of congregants attending worship services.

Yet some public health experts foresee that once the safe-distancing restrictions have been lifted, there will be an influx of people who will seek in-person church services in reconnecting with their religion.

Church Attendance was on a Decline Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, church leaders were already struggling with dwindling church attendance. The nonprofit organization Public Religion Research (PRR) had previously reported that since the 1990s, many Americans have checked out of their religious affiliations. According to the PRRI, roughly 4 out of 10 Americans, particularly among those aged 30 and below preferred not to belong to any religious affiliation.

The decline in church attendance has been heavy among white Christians, causing Catholics and Protestants churches to experience significant yearly drops in church memberships. Thus, the anticipation among these religious institutions is that the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, will all the more heighten their struggle to keep their memberships intact.

Health Experts Foresee a Post-Pandemic Scenario in Which People will Reconnect with Religion

Yvette Cozier, an epidemiology associate professor at the Boston University School of Public Health, deems the connection between well-being and religious worship goes beyond the concept of spirituality. Ms. Cozier says that inasmuch that a lot of things have happened since the outbreak, Ms. Cozier said people have been reaching out to religious institutions that can provide them comfort.

That is why she believes that once barriers are down, religious institutions can expect to see church attendance taking a different direction. The way Ms. Cozier sees it, an influx of Americans will be returning to their religion. Many are now listening to televised or Zoom sermons. Somehow, the experience boosts their mood as they read and listen with anxiety and disbelief, to all the negativity that has been happening around the world.

Ms. Cozier say that while listening to religious sermons provide protective health effects when in-person participation is not available, she says having fellowship and sharing a space with other church congregants may bring more than just health benefits.

Duke University School of Medicine’s Director for Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health, Dr. Harold G. Koenig, who is also a psychiatry and behavioral sciences professor, agrees with Ms. Cozier. Dr. Koenig is of the opinion that in-person worship may even lower one’s risk of coronavirus infection, since the mood-boosting effects of religious involvement can help improve the functioning of the immune system.

We at Barbaraiwiens. Com also suggests that blogging about opinions, experiences and views, can help release some of the anxieties we feel about the ongoing health crisis and the current economic depression. Since our platform caters to a wide range of topics, we are inviting people to write a lifestyle guest post for us.


Motorcycle Helmet Use Laws : A Quick Look-Back on Their Legislation

The legislation of motorcycle helmet laws in the U.S. was once a highly political matter, in which arguments were quite similar to how face masks use is being opposed today.

Helmet use had sown divisiveness, where the left-wing arguments supporting helmet laws were focused on minimizing the potential injuries suffered by riders in case of accidents. On the other hand, the contention of right-wing conservatives is that universal helmet laws impinge on the right of individuals to decide whether or not it is safe to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. The latter argued that not all roads and climate conditions can make wearing helmets effective in ensuring the safety of riders.

Nonetheless “Motorcycle Helmet Use Laws” were legislated and passed by Congress but to no avail. Many right-wing organizations continued to carry on the opposition to helmet use. On top of that, several state governments did not enact laws in their respective jurisdiction, in order to see to the implementation of universal helmet laws.

To mandate compliance, federal government took action by refusing to furnish funding for highway construction projects to states without helmet laws . This particular passage in the helmet use laws were later repealed after right-wing organizations brought their objections to court. As a result, the court ruled financial motivation as unconstitutional, while leaving the matter of deciding whether or not helmets should be used, to state governments.

What are Certified Helmets and Why is Certification Important

Inasmuch as Motorcycle Helmet Use Laws promote the use of helmets as protective riding gear, users must likewise have assurance that they are buying helmets that meet the established standards of a quality protective gear.

The degree of strength, durability and need of other protective features of helmets vary, as the standards depend on the purpose of use. Certified motorcycle helmets therefore are categorized and rated according to the activity requiring the use of helmet as protective gear.

Such activities include Motorcycle Riding, Cycling, Karting, SA Automotive Sports, Elite Automotive Sports, Skiing and Horse Riding. Although some helmets may look similar, their make and design might be for a different category, which makes it important to check the Certification Code, to ensure the helmet has been tested for the right applications. An M certification is for motorcycle helmets, which makes an M-certified helmet not acceptable if worn as a protective gear in SA Automotive Sports.

Motorcycle also reminds helmet shoppers to check the date code of the certification, since the info indicates up to when the certificate is effective. In light of the continuing advancements in technology and further developments in the fields where helmets are used, certifications are valid up to a period of 12 year.

A certification that has a 2010 DATE CODE therefore means the certification is valid up to 2022. That being the case, it would be wise to choose a helmet with a later DATE CODE certification, let’s say 2018, as this denotes that the certificate’s expiration will be in 2030.

When looking to buy a motorcycle helmet, take time to know the important aspects that meet the standard features of a certified motorcycle helmet. Rather than just typing motorcycle helmets as search words, add best motorcycle helmets that are ultra-safe and certified in order to get the best search page results.


Drones Helped Italy Flatten the Curve

Drone surveillance helped Italian local law enforcers keep a tight watch over the public, which in turn helped the country slow down the coronavirus spread.

During the early days of Italy’s lockdown period, which started March 10, 2020, local mayors and public health officials were quite frustrated with how residents were making light of the lockdown and social distancing orders. At that time, the nation had already drawn attention as the epicenter of the global pandemic; of being the country outside of China with the highest number of COVID-19 cases.

In order to effectively monitor the movements of local residents, the local police departments in towns and cities, had sought permission in using drones as part of their monitoring methods, from the Italian Civil Aviation Authority or the Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile (ENAC).

Although ENAC granted approval, the government agency permitted the use of drones only in “urban areas” and in “areas where small populations have been exposed to the risk of the coronavirus impact.”

National Data Shows that Italy’s Lockdown and Social Distancing Measures Yielded Encouraging Results

Italy’s recent national data reports, coming from the Italian Civil Protection Department, show that in a matter of three to four weeks since the national lockdown was imposed, the “curve has flattened.”

Compared with data coming from various sources prior to lockdown, the rate of increase in total confirmed cases between March 06 and 07 was at 26.9%. Thereafter, the rate of increase slowed down to 12.6% between March 16 and 17. Based on the latest reports between March 31 to April 01, the rate of increase in COVID-19 cases had gone down to 4.5%, which suggested that the goal to “flatten the curve” is finally being achieved.

Nonetheless, the Italian government has seen it fit to extend the lockdown period up to May 03, 2020, but only in regions where no new cases of Covid-19 infections have occurred. In hardest hit regions like Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto, the lockdown measure might continue up to the summer months, which also suggests that drones will continue to fly and monitor movements.

Even if he curve appears to have flattened, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, is not throwing caution to the wind by immediately lifting the lockdown mandate. In announcing the extension last April 11, the Italian Prime Minister said

”If we give up now, we will be putting at stake all the positive results we have achieved so far, which could restart the epidemic with a new increase in the death toll.”


A Closer Look at the Drones Used by Italian Law Enforcers

In Treviolo, a municipality in Lombardy, one of the hardest hit provinces in Italy, drones continue to hover and emit mechanical buzzing sounds.

Each drone, about the size of a loaf of bread, is equipped with a thermal sensor that checks people’s temperature as a means of detecting those who have been infected. The information will then be received by the drone operator, who constantly checks a thermal map via a hand-held screen, to determine where to send his or her drone.

If the drone detects an offender in a prohibited area, a tiny voice coming from the quadcopter, orders the offender to immediately leave the place; whilst giving reminders that violations of lockdown regulations will result in administrative fines, and even criminal penalties.

Treviolo police commander, Matteo Copia said that

”The drones are useful in controlling the territory as they enabled local police forces to check temperatures even without a person’s knowledge but under perfectly legal conditions.”

Italy’s drone use is one example of how quadcopters are being used today, other than as a form of recreation or for news reporting purposes. As an aside, readers who could be looking to buy affordable drones can checkout a comprehensive list at’s cheap drones webpage.


How the City of Los Angeles is Solving Its Growing Homeless Population Crisis

Despite a booming economy, the number of homeless citizens in the City of Los Angeles is still on the rise. The latest statistics show that it went up by 16% from the previous year’s figure, making the number of unsheltered people in LA the largest in the U.S.

Current estimate indicated in the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count places about 36,300 LA individuals in homeless condition on any given night. Majority of whom are located right in the city; some setting up tents on a public lawn or on the pavements outside of City Hall, while the majority live in the makeshift shanties populating Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) reported that although it was able to help 21, 631 people move into permanent shelters in 2018, economic pressures had evicted thousands more in 2019. It is not because these people were jobless; but the wages they earn remain low and stagnant. As a result, many could not keep up with the rising costs of rent, or to prevent foreclosures from happening.

Peter Lynn, the former Executive Director of LAHSA had explained in June 2019 that

“Minimum wage has moved much slower than rents — putting folks under great economic pressure.” “That is why many fall into homelessness on a continuing basis.”

The Root Cause of the U.S. Housing Crisis

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development defines affordable housing as one in which a resident pays more than 30% of their income.

However, the rate by which improvements and renovations had taken place in districts, raised the value of the properties to levels that made affordable housing available only to the middle class. The low-wage earners were taken out of the context of the available housing definition, which led to the increase in the number of homeless people not only in LA but throughout the U.S.

Apparently, those who purchased their property under a home mortgage agreement but later encountered difficulties in meeting their monthly mortgage obligations did not seek advice for potential solutions to their problem. In LA, had they sought advice from a los angeles mortgage broker, they would have known about the loan restructuring facility that is usually offered to borrowers experiencing financial difficulties.

Restructuring of a loan entails the creation of new loan that will be used to pay off the balance of the old mortgage loan. The new loan will have a lower monthly installment, which the borrower will pay over a longer period of time. The main purpose of a restructured loan is to prevent the ballooning of the old loan balance, which tends to increase once past due interests and penalty charges will have been added to the monthly installments due. .

Actions Taken by the LA City Government in Addressing the Growing Population of Homeless Citizens

Many concerned Angelenos, through civic organizations and religious congregations, have urged their respective district council members to allot funds for building 222 new supportive housing units in each of their area of responsibility. According to the LAHSA, this initiative has so far placed 8,625 new housing units currently in the pipeline.

In addition, local governments in LA County are currently running “The Backyard Home Project.” The project gives qualified Angeleno homeowners $75,000 funding to build an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in their backyard. Approval of the funding is backed by a supplementary ADU bill previously passed by the California state legislature. As a condition, the ADU built under the sponsorship of the Backyard Home Project, will be rented out to former homeless citizens.


Understanding Why Amphetamines are Restricted and Why Methamphetamines and MDMA are Illegal

Nowadays, a mention of the word aphrodisiac immediately connotes a reference to drugs that can increase libido leading to hypersexuality. Those kinds of medications though, must be taken under strict supervision of a physician, since there is a tendency to abuse their use once a patient discovers a drug’s ability to increase one’s sex drive.

Amphetamine: A Type of Drug Abused for its Aphrodisiac Effects

Amphetamine is a drug prescribed by medical practitioners to treat individuals suffering from ADHD or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. As a powerful brain-stimulant, it helps ADHD afflicted persons to improve mental focus and clarity. The drug is so potent that they are also prescribed to soldiers engaged in active duty, as means of helping them stay alert and awake for longer periods.

In other cases, amphetamine-based drugs may also increase metabolism, making it suitable as part of treatment in addressing problems related to weight-loss.

All such recommendations though are best taken under medical supervision. They can only be purchased from a licensed pharmacist in limited quantity, based on the medical prescription presented by a procurer.

However, since many have discovered that amphetamines can also act as aphrodisiac and psychostimulant, many tend to abuse the use of amphetamines. Actually, physicians are aware that this type of drug can lead to addiction. That is why they also supervise that stage of treatment when a person is weaned from its use. Then purpose of which is to manage or alleviate symptoms related to drug-withdrawal.

Synthetic Drugs that Mimic the Brain-Stimulating Effects of Amphetamines

In light of the restrictions imposed on the availability of amphetamines, unscrupulous individuals who have sufficient understanding about the composition of the drug, formulated and manufactured illegal versions of amphetamines.

Methamphetamines or Crystal Meth

Crystal meth, also known by their street names such as meth, speed, chalk or crank, is a man made amphetamine-based drug but made more potent and fast acting as a psycho-stimulant and aphrodisiac. Its name methamphetamine indicates that the amphetamine substance is twice mentholated as a way of speeding up the brain-stimulating effects. That being the case, methamphetamine is never prescribed by medical practitioners, since amphetamines alone are already dangerous even under medical administration.

MDMA or Ecstacy

MDMA (methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) known as ecstacy in illegal drug trade is a modified version of the methamphetamine. Its formulation furthers the effects and speed of increased sexual stimulation and mental alertness. It produces feelings of energy boosts, emotional gratification, perceptions of pleasure, whilst distorting one’s sensory and time orientation. It became known in bars and nightclubs as Molly, but has since spread to a broader range of users.

Both methamphetamines and MDMA are illegal drugs, because even if taken gradually or in small doses, they eventually lead to heart, liver and kidney failures. Addiction to those illicit drugs are characterized by irritability, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, anxiety, depression, sleep disorder and in some cases, inability to recall or focus.

When a person’s body develops a tolerance for those drugs, the person also develops the urge to take in greater doses; often leading to life-threatening disorders or fatality.

Actually, those seeking for aphrodisiacs do not have to resort to the use of illegal drugs like methamphetamine (crystal meth) and/or MDMA (speed). Aphrodisiacs have been around since biblical times, because they can be extracted or derived from a wide selection of natural substances. Those seeking for comprehensive resources about organic substances that stimulate sexual desires and responses, will likely find useful information at
