
Political Education With Playful Formats

Games are an ideal way to introduce political education. Playful formats make it possible to interactively experience and shape political education and hold an almost inexhaustible potential in political education for children and young people. When playing, everyone is active and it depends on each individual. Game situations can facilitate access to complex topics.

The Effective Use of Game-Based Learning in Education

Check out playtime medium for political games that can help enhance political education. 

Simplified and role-playing games in particular promote understanding of the complexity of social and political processes with the help of instructors who are trained in terms of content and education. On the one hand, such games simulate life situations and thus connect with familiar everyday worlds.

On the other hand, avatars offer a role change. This creates distance between yourself and your own real life. The skill required here Empathizing with other people or circumstances is an essential foundation for developing understanding and empathy. In contrast to the classic classroom setting, game formats allow the content to be explored together and the opportunity to help shape the situation.

Due to these simulations and their creative design, games offer freedom of action for new ideas and scope. If groups with different starting conditions have to work out solutions together in classic business game simulations, good negotiation and mutual exchange are required. The experience of overcoming difficulties together can become an experience of resonance in the group that encourages action and at the same time sharpens the understanding of real political and social dynamics.

But it doesn’t stop with playing alone, because learning requires a subsequent reflection on what has been experienced and a transfer that links the experience with information. Only the exchange and abstraction of the game events, the filling up with content enable the necessary aha experience for the sustainable acquisition of knowledge. This requires pedagogical support who, together with the players, puts what has been experienced in a broader context.

Introduce complex topics in a playful way

Digital games, which were not only developed for entertainment but are also intended to convey knowledge, are called serious games. They should be fun and at the same time convey information and education.

A complex and important topic is introduced in a playful way and media skills are promoted. For this purpose, statistics and guidelines are made available for teachers or non-school educators. The diagrams that illustrate the topic of social inequality can be viewed and discussed together on their own mobile devices.

When evaluating the numbers, the students can refer to the experiences made in the game. A complex and important topic is introduced in a playful way and media skills are promoted. For this purpose, statistics and guidelines are made available for teachers or non-school educators. The diagrams that illustrate the topic of social inequality can be viewed and discussed together on their own mobile devices. When evaluating the numbers, the students can refer to the experiences made in the game. A complex and important topic is introduced in a playful way and media skills are promoted.
