
The greatest religions and beliefs

There are so many people and cultures on our earth. Many cultures have been shaped by religions. In order to understand the different cultures a little better, one has to deal with world religions.

The great world religions


With an estimated 2.1 billion followers, Christianity is the largest religion in the world. It has its origins as a small offshoot of Judaism in the 1st century that was persecuted by the Roman Empire. Since then it has become the world religion dominating North and South America, Europe, and South Africa.


According to a study by the Pew Research Center in the US, Islam is the fastest-growing religion worldwide just like how SEO services are growing these days. It is particularly well represented in the West Part of Asia and North Africa.


Hinduism is an amalgamation of various Indian traditions that roughly began from 500 BC. The number of his followers is estimated at about 900 million. Different deities – for example, Shiva or Vishnu – worshiped depending on the region. Contrary to the popular belief, the cow is not worshiped as sacred by all Hindus. But it is considered as an important religious symbol.

Traditional Chinese religion

The traditional Chinese religion is the umbrella term for local schools of faith beliefs and philosophy such as Daoism or Confucianism and can be predominantly found in China. What they have in common is the belief in various deities and the worship of natural forces and ancestors.


Buddhism appeared around the year 500 BC. It has an estimated 376 million followers – mostly in Southeast Asia in the region in and around Thailand, Cambodia, and Myanmar. Buddhists refer to the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. They believe that life is painful and so after death, they will be reborn until they reach nirvana as the highest level of consciousness.

Ethnic religions

The ethnic religions include the belief of indigenous peoples, which are not passed on through written, but oral tradition. Examples are the religions of the Aborigines in Australia or the Maori in New Zealand.

Most ethnic religions have a special relationship with nature – for example, Mount Uluru – or Ayers Rock – in Australia.

