Additional progress in technology and way of manufacturing will bring plenty of products which are equitably distributed according to individual requirements. After all types of capitalism are removed from the judgment proletariat, this working class will even evaporate, because there’ll not be a requirement for authorities, and humankind will attain its final stage of liberty and democracy — a stateless and classless specifically a society.
His concept relied on the idea of historical materialism between the analysis of yesteryear in addition to future improvements. His findings ahead of the long run signaled that as industrialization improvements, always better educated and more aware working class will grow and remove the capitalist class structure substituting it with a mono-class culture of proletariat.
For Marx, communism differed from all previous moves since it overturns the cornerstone of earlier connections of production and sex, and also for the first time knowingly treats all organic assumptions as the animals of men, strips them of their normal personality and subjugates them into the power of people united.
Its business is, thus, essentially economical, the substance creation of these conditions of the openness, it turns present terms into states of unity. The fact which communism is producing is just the actual foundation for making it impossible that anything should exist independently of people, is so much as things are just a product of the previous intercourse of people themselves.
Just in community with other people has every person the way of cultivating his presents all directions: just in community, therefore, is personal liberty possible. In preceding replacements to the community, like the nation or governmental politics, personal liberty has existed just for the people who developed inside the connections of this ruling class.
Marx supposes that communism won’t materialized immediately following the proletarian revolution due to flaws of this society with its inequalities and injustices that will persist for some time. He understood these flaws are unavoidable from the first phase of communist society. Right can never be greater than economic structure of society and its cultural growth consequently.
Seeing the eventual disappearance of this nation and authorities, Marx eyesight was in the course of development, class distinctions will evaporate, and all manufacturing is going to be concentrated in the hands of vast association of the entire country, the public power will lose its political nature.