If you are considering to make a purchase or trade into the motor insurance, you may be wondering whether which best to get. Full time or part-time motor trade insurance.
It is clearly hard to decide which option is better to have. Or which option is best for your business. But today, I will guide you in making a sensible decision for which is best to for your business.
Let’s first know more about what is motor trade insurance.
Motor Trade Insurance
Motor trade insurance is designed to cover those who live to deliver, sell, buy, repair or who finds a source of living doing anything related to vans or motorbikes. This type of insurance provides the cover for either full time or part-time motor traders.
There are several kinds of motor insurance policies that depend on features and the extent of coverage. Although motor traders usually come in two types, the Road risk Only type of cover. For a more complicated cover, you can have Combined Motor Trade cover or motorcycle covers for outdoors.
It is better to get a motor trade insurance that is best suitable for your needs and budget. Now let’s discussed having a part-time motor trade insurance.
The Part-Time Motor Trade Insurance
Part-Time trade insurance is an insurance that is designed and tailored for someone who has business with selling or repairing car casually.
People who work in a part-time trader insurance policy are people who aim to supplement their usual income or salary. This includes selling, motor servicing, or repairing over the weekends or at any time they are free. To make it short, it is work outside of their regular work.
Since there are usually two types of traders, the part-timer traders usually go with road risk insurance. It is most likely the best choice to take out, A road risk insurance policy will cover your vehicles as well as with any liabilities you choose to have a cover, however, that will exclude any premises within. Most part-timers who work from home can, therefore, cover the house as their choice of liability or they can get house insurance.